Animation of Complex Construction Simulation Models


One of the major impediments in using computer simulation to model and optimize construction processes has been the fact that decision makers often do not have the training nor the time to check the validity of simulation models prepared by others and thus have little confidence in the results. Animation is an increasingly popular technique that can be used to verify, debug and validate simulation models. Perhaps most importantly, it can also show in an easy to understand manner the insights gleaned from building and running the underlying model, thus increasing its credibility significantly. This paper presents a simulation model for the movement of people inside a building served by a single elevator with fairly complex control logic that was verified using animation. The simulation model for this example was developed using Stroboscope and verified using Proof Animation.


Photios G. Ioannou & Julio C. Martinez

Civil & Environmental Engineering Department

University of Michigan

Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-2125, U.S.A.



STROBOSCOPE, construction, simulation, modeling , animation, elevator, service, resource, matching, scaleable, code generator, preprocessor.


Ioannou, P.G., Martinez, J.C., "Animation of Complex Construction Simulation Models," Proceedings, 3rd Congress on Computing in Civil Engineering, 620-626, ASCE, Anaheim, CA, June 17-19, 1996.